
The long-term effects of preschool suspension and expulsion are significant and can include school failure, behavior problems, and even adult incarceration. There are, however, research proven ways to prevent suspension and expulsion:

  • Train teachers to support social-emotional development.
  • Access early childhood mental health consultation.
  • Develop strong relationships with families.
BehaviorHelp can do just that!

BehaviorHelp partnerships with centers helped prevent expulsions in 97% of cases referred. At the end of the BehaviorHelp support services, teachers reported a significant decrease in problems with conduct and hyperactivity among children (like fighting, arguing, or fidgeting). They also saw an increase in prosocial behaviors like sharing, helping others, and being considerate of other's feelings.

Check out our annual reports below for more information!

2020-2021 Annual Report
2021-2022 Annual Report
2022-2023 Annual Report